

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New Base + Crystal League!!!

Hey guys! I have really important news! I remade my base. But that's not the big news. The big news is that... I made it to Crystal League 3!!! I've been trophy pushing for a while to get to this point. I wanted to get to this point because if you get to Crystal League, you get the achievement "League All-Star" and you get a free 250 gems. And I bet there are some people that don't believe that I got to Crystal, but guess what. I have proof. Check it out:

 And as always I had to celebrate with some "Wall Art":

And finally, the less important news. My new base. I got this base from a great Youtuber Base Wizard. You guys should really check out the channel. Anyway, here it is. Tell me what you think:

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